Western movie Of The Day – Hangman’s Knot starring Randolph Scott and Donna Reed
Western movie Of The Day – Hangman’s Knot starring Randolph Scott and Donna Reed.
Just click on the western movie poster to be taken to this western movies page then scroll down until you see the video.
Hangman’s Knot starring Randolph Scott and Donna Reed western movie
Thank you for the site… I enjoy the movies… and come back weekly… but, I am disapointed to find that 1 our of 5 links… tend not to work or direct to a wrong movie… Point in case is this one… should be…
Western movie Of The Day – Hangman’s Knot starring Randolph Scott and Donna Reed.
but… links to a Bob Steele movie…
… Not, to complain too much… cause I do like the site… just would like to see someone that does the links… double check the linkage verbage…
Thank you…
I just found your Site and am interested in watching some of the shows and appreciate your having them available. However, your page layout is hard to see on mobile touch devices. Your main listing runs together and hovering does not work particularly well on mobile touch devices. By the time you try to read the lists that show as you hover over a main link, the mobile touch device wants to open up the main link. I would suggest a more inclusive, mobile touch device friendly layout – one that does not require hovering or the use of a shift or alt key ( there is no shift or alt key on my device). Having a left menu that expands as a main link is clicked is still one of the most inclusive formats. Also, because of the smaller mobile device screens, larger fonts for your links would be better, makes it easier to tap with a finger. Perhaps, just changing to a tile system like netflix would be better.
Thank you for the site… I enjoy the movies… and come back weekly… but, I am disapointed to find that 1 our of 5 links… tend not to work or direct to a wrong movie… Point in case is this one… should be…
Western movie Of The Day – Hangman’s Knot starring Randolph Scott and Donna Reed.
but… links to a Bob Steele movie…
… Not, to complain too much… cause I do like the site… just would like to see someone that does the links… double check the linkage verbage…
Thank you…
Howdy back . We are working on this . My Ipad seems to work fine with the site depending how soft you touch the menu.
I just found your Site and am interested in watching some of the shows and appreciate your having them available. However, your page layout is hard to see on mobile touch devices. Your main listing runs together and hovering does not work particularly well on mobile touch devices. By the time you try to read the lists that show as you hover over a main link, the mobile touch device wants to open up the main link. I would suggest a more inclusive, mobile touch device friendly layout – one that does not require hovering or the use of a shift or alt key ( there is no shift or alt key on my device). Having a left menu that expands as a main link is clicked is still one of the most inclusive formats. Also, because of the smaller mobile device screens, larger fonts for your links would be better, makes it easier to tap with a finger. Perhaps, just changing to a tile system like netflix would be better.