The High Chaparral western TV show watch free online LIMITED TIME
The High Chaparral western TV show watch free online LIMITED TIME.

Big John Cannon and his family run the High Chaparral Ranch located in Arizona Territory during the 1870s . There are many Indian hostilities and other troubles to overcome. When Big Johns wife Billy Blue’s mother is killed John unites his family with the Montoyas by marrying their daughter Victoria and her brother Manolito also lives and works on the Cannon Ranch. This show stars Leif Erickson, Cameron Mitchell, Henry Darrow, Linda Cristal, Mark Slade, Don Collier, Robert F. Hoy and Roberto Contreras . This show originally aired from 1967 to 1971 and there are 98 episodes.
This show comes from a time when all the MEN main characters on television were true heros always doing what was right ! Even when the chips were down and the cards were stacked against them ! These heros were not perfect BUT they gave us good examples to try and follow! This was a good time for American Television. Travel with us as we travel all through the American west from the saloons to the jail houses here on westerns on the web . With all the Colts, cowboy boots, Stetson hats and Levi Jeans all made us little cowpokes want nothing but the best western toys. We would take our toys and head out into the west and our backyards would become Texas, Arizona, New Mexico, California or Wyoming . When summer would come we would long to take a vacation and travel to these far off distant lands. All of us kids of course wanted a horse to saddle and call our own maybe a Paint horse or Pinto or even a Palomino. Now with modern times and computer games we have seen western video games . Here on westerns on the web you can take our movies and tv shows with you where ever you go . Now thanks to Apple computers all us grown up cowboys can put on our Levi Jeans pull on our Justin Boots put on a Stetson hat and hop in our Ford or Chevrolet pickup trucks and take all the wonderful western movies and TV shows with us to watch while waiting in line at our favorite Steakhouse or Mexican Food Restaurant or even in the waiting room at the doctors office or clinic and watch them on a hand held mobile device like an iphone or ipad or itouch or ipod. Or an android or droid. Or even a kindle or kindle fire. Times have really changed! But I would venture to say had it not been for all the wonderful western movies and television shows with all the cattle and spurs and chaps. Many of todays rodeo tickets would never be sold and the single action shooters and fast draw clubs would not even be around. And I would even say had it not been for the western television shows and movies even women’s Jewelry like Navajo or Zuni Indian turquoise and silver would not be as plentiful. But there are and we like it ! Bob Terry Westerns On The Web.
The High Chaparral Shadows on the Land John Cannon needs cattle from Mexican ranchers for his Army beef contract, but finds the frightened men are being forced to sell at cheap prices to a ruthless cattle buyer.
The High Chaparral Sudden Country Mistakes of an inexperienced eastern bank clerk who attempts to settle on a ramshackle ranch near the Cannon family threaten to wipe out the cattle industry of the territory.
The High Chaparral Ten Little Indians Complete with boots, saddles, cowboy hats, outlaws, bandits, Sheriffs, Marshals, Fancy belt holster rigs, Buntline special, guitars, Cowgirls, cattle drives, wagon trains, cactus, Rustlers, Good Guys, Bad Guys, Ranches and everything else great television westerns always kept us entertained with when we were kids growing up and needed good …
The High Chaparral The Arrangement John and Buck Cannon, on a mission to meet with Don Sebastian Montoya. When the Apache war party starts its charge toward the High Chaparral, the dirt road beside them shows clear tire tread marks from the camera truck.
The High Chaparral The Assassins An Apache renegade and his followers plan to kill Cochise’s peace representative in the Cannon ranch house and start a new Indian war. Manolito leaves the ranch on a black horse that changes, mid-ride, into his regular brown sorrel, “Macadoo.” In later shots of the same ride, the black horse …
The High Chaparral The Doctor from Dodge When Billy Blue Cannon is forced into a showdown with wanted gunfighters, he is saved by a wandering dentist who proves to be fast with a gun. Guest Starring Jack Kelly.
The High Chaparral The Ghost of Chaparral Leif Erickson … Big John Cannon Cameron Mitchell … Buck Cannon Mark Slade … Billy Blue Cannon Henry Darrow … Manolito Montoya Linda Cristal … Victoria Cannon Frank Silvera … Don Sebastian Montoya Don Collier … Sam Butler Rodolfo Acosta … Vaquero Ted Markland … Reno Patrick Horgan …
The High Chaparral The Hair Hunter A bounty on Apache scalps disrupts peace between the Cannons and the Apache Indians.
The High Chaparral The Peacemaker On the trail Blue falls in love with Kelly’s adopted Apache daughter, Moonfire. In the final battle with the Apaches, Blue and most of the rest of the Chaparral men fire their 6-shooters dozens of times without ever reloading. When Blue rides in with Moon Fire and Kelly, there are …
The High Chaparral The Price of Revenge Fay Layton, a widow, whose husband once owned the Cannon’s ranch, hires a fast gun to drive the Cannons off the land. The substitution of a “stunt horse” is noticeable here when Blue is thrown during an Apache attack. Before he falls off, his palomino horse has its …
The High Chaparral The Terrorist Henry Silva guest-stars as a revolutionary who plans to assassinate Benito Juarez, exiled President of Mexico, on the Cannon Ranch.
The High Chaparral The Widow from Red Rock A widow comes to the Cannon Ranch and there is trouble!
The High Chaparral Threshold of Courage John Cannon is forced to relive his final days in the Civil War by a man he disfigured in combat.
The High Chaparral Tiger by the Tail A wounded bandit leader who is captured by the Cannons and tells them his followers will destroy them unless he is released.
The High Chaparral Young Blood The future of the ranch is jeopardized when bandits steal a prize bull and breeding stock which Billy Blue Cannon and Manolito Montoya have bought in Mexico with the last of Big John Cannon’s money.
The High Chaparral Best man for the job John Cannon must decide whether to send his son to possible death to save their besieged ranch. Sam walks out of the saloon without his gloves on, but emerges into the street wearing them in the very next shot. Big John Cannon and his family run the …
The High Chaparral A Hanging Offense Billy Blue Cannon faces possible hanging when he is court-martialed on the charge of killing an army general’s son. Big John Cannon and his family run the High Chaparral Ranch located in Arizona Territory during the 1870s . There are many Indian hostilities and other troubles to overcome. When …
The High Chaparral Survival John Cannon and Billy Blue are captured by Apaches far from home and made to face death from lack of water. Big John Cannon and his family run the High Chaparral Ranch located in Arizona Territory during the 1870s . There are many Indian hostilities and other troubles to overcome. When …
The High Chaparral Ride the Savage Land Buck and Manolito invade the Apache stronghold to rescue a captive white girl. Mano’s horse is shot and killed by the Apaches. But when we see a shot of the “dead” animal, it’s not Mano’s, but the horse Buck was riding (with a distinctive white blaze on its …
The High Chaparral A Joyful Noise Ramon Novarro, silent film notable is guest star as Padre Guillermo, who flees Mexico to escape the vendetta of a twisted killer. Ramon’s six-gun fires more than a dozen times without ever being reloaded. Henry Darrow’s stunt double is very noticeable during the final fight scene with Ramon. He’s …
The High Chaparral Follow Your Heart Ranch foreman Sam Butler returns to his native border town to avenge the death of his daughter. A dark brown moisture stain that forms a stripe down the back of Sam’s coat disappears when he enters the church, reappears when he comes out, and vanishes again when he meets …
The High Chaparral North To Tucson When Victoria saves the life of a man injured in a stagecoach plundered by Comancheros, she learns the man has sworn to kill her husband. When Buck and Blue are playing their game on the tree stump, Buck’s left hand is down at his side in one shot, then …
The High Chaparral A Way of Justice John Cannon is accused of killing the daughter of a Mexican sheepherder and is condemned to death unless steep ransom is paid. Big John Cannon and his family run the High Chaparral Ranch located in Arizona Territory during the 1870s . There are many Indian hostilities and other …
The High Chaparral The Glory Soldiers Manolito leaves the routine of the Cannon Ranch searching excitement and becomes involved with three uniformed musicians. When the rurales chase Manolito, he’s riding Macadoo, his sorrel horse with the blond mane and tail. But the use of a stunt horse becomes obvious when Mano hides by leaping off …
The High Chaparral Surtee A dishonest Indian agent jeopardizes the future of an Apache reservation started by John Cannon. Big John Cannon and his family run the High Chaparral Ranch located in Arizona Territory during the 1870s . There are many Indian hostilities and other troubles to overcome. When Big Johns wife Billy Blue’s mother …
The High Chaparral Apache Trust Billy Blue is captured by the Apaches, who use him as a pawn in a bartering game to stave off an impending cavalry attack. Big John Cannon and his family run the High Chaparral Ranch located in Arizona Territory during the 1870s . There are many Indian hostilities and other …
The High Chaparral The Lost Ones Because she once “magically” saved the life of an Indian brave, Victoria is forcibly brought to an Apache camp to treat the chief’s dying son. Big John Cannon and his family run the High Chaparral Ranch located in Arizona Territory during the 1870s . There are many Indian hostilities …
The High Chaparral The Legacy Blue falls in love with an attractive house guest but the romance is marred when the girl and her father reveal the true purpose of their visit. Big John Cannon and his family run the High Chaparral Ranch located in Arizona Territory during the 1870s . There are many Indian …
The High Chaparral Alliance The Cannon Ranch is threatened by an Indian war when the military sends a bounty hunter after an Apache brave accused of murder. Big John Cannon and his family run the High Chaparral Ranch located in Arizona Territory during the 1870s . There are many Indian hostilities and other troubles to …
The High Chaparral The Little Thieves Victimized by two amateur but charming teen-aged cattle rustlers, Buck and Manolito make the mistake of trying to reform them. Big John Cannon and his family run the High Chaparral Ranch located in Arizona Territory during the 1870s . There are many Indian hostilities and other troubles to overcome. …
The High Chaparral The Guns of Johnny Rondo A former gunfighter’s new life as a Cannon ranchhand is jeopardized by four enemies. Big John Cannon and his family run the High Chaparral Ranch located in Arizona Territory during the 1870s . There are many Indian hostilities and other troubles to overcome. When Big Johns wife …
The High Chaparral Auld Lang Syne A happy reunion between Buck Cannon and Army Sgt. Travis Winslow leads to Buck’s hiring as a scout for Winslow and his detachment of men, who are escorting a military gold shipment through Apache country. En route, Buck learns that the Indians are not the only threat. Big John …
hello, looking for first season of the high chaparral.
Howdy back . Thanks for the comment and thanks for watching Westerns On The Web. I think you are looking for the episode titled The Arrangement
Oops, first time entering a comment on this site.
I left a rather lengthy comment under the comment section for Sundown, not realizing it would show-up there.
My Husband & I want to know what the name of the episode following Destination Tucson is, as we have been watching them in the order they are listed and were pleased to discover what appears to have been the first in the series. In that episode, we seen Big John’s wife, and Blue’s Mother killed by Apaches, Big John’s horse stolen by Victoria’s Brother, and everyone on the High Chaparral putting-up a barricade because they were expecting the Apaches to attack. The following episode listed has Big John & Victoria already married. We want to see the episode(s) that should have chronologically followed Destination Tuscon. Could you please advise us the title of the episode and if you have it listed.
With Thanks,