Davy Crockett Fess Parker

western movies and television shows from all over the web for you to watch here for FREE . This is Davy Crockett with Fess Parker from 1955 . This is the Show that started one of the if not the biggest merchandising crazes in the country. Coon skin hats are still popular because of the Davy Crockett western show.
Grew up with Davy Crockett and Daniel Boone as portrayed by Fess Parker. Dad had an old Model 1868 Springfield rifle that looked like an old muzzle loader. All three of us kids had our pictures taken holding the rifle and in our coon skin caps. When we visited the Wisconsin Dells we had our pictures taken with a Native American dressed as a War Chief, I had a brown fringed shirt and my coon skin cap on when I had my picture taken. The “Brave/Chief” let me hold his tomahawk for the picture, a real one. Davy Crockett and Daniel Boone where two of my childhood heroes along with the “Duke.” Too bad there are no heroes like them for the kids to look up to today, what a shame.
Legends (and myths) from the life of famed American frontiersman Davey Crockett are depicted in this feature film edited from television episodes. Crockett and his friend George Russell fight in the Creek Indian War. Then Crockett is elected to Congress and brings his rough-hewn ways to the House of Representatives. Finally, Crockett and Russell journey to Texas and partake in the last stand at the Alamo. Thanks to Jim Beaver for writing this summery.
This theatrical feature was a compilation of “Davy Crockett Indian Fighter” and “Davy Crockett at The Alamo”, the 1st and 3rd of episodes of the “Davy Crocket” series that first aired on ABC TV’s “Disneyland”(1954-5), two hour long shows less commercials. As the film ran 93 minutes the 2nd episode Davy Crockett Goes To Congress was not included.
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This was my grandfathers favorite movie and have been trying to find it forever much obliged to whoever made this site
Grew up with Davy Crockett and Daniel Boone as portrayed by Fess Parker. Dad had an old Model 1868 Springfield rifle that looked like an old muzzle loader. All three of us kids had our pictures taken holding the rifle and in our coon skin caps. When we visited the Wisconsin Dells we had our pictures taken with a Native American dressed as a War Chief, I had a brown fringed shirt and my coon skin cap on when I had my picture taken. The “Brave/Chief” let me hold his tomahawk for the picture, a real one. Davy Crockett and Daniel Boone where two of my childhood heroes along with the “Duke.” Too bad there are no heroes like them for the kids to look up to today, what a shame.
Shelly Ann,
A Proud American (since 1868) and Veteran (1969-1994)
Et secundum diversitatem unitatis pro scientiam (Unity through diversity and knowledge.)
LPN/ret, HM2c(FMF)/USN, Sgt/USAR, ACM/olc, CWVet, VNeVet, GWVet, DAV/VFW Life Member.
Didn’t remember how good this was. Davy Crockett was and still is a Hero in Texas and Tenn.
Great movie, and I do remember the Alamo and what it represents!
I really loved the movie. Davy Crockett was a real legend. Even I had a coon skin hat at one time. I had the movie of the Alamo memorized. Thank you so very much for the memories.
Davy Crockett,King of the wild frontier,also nice to see Buddy Ebsen and Jim Bowe at the Alimo fantastic film.Thank you.
A great pioneer, a great hero portrayed by a great actor with such realism and respect.
Great. I haven’t seen this since I was a kid in the fifties. Ol’ Jed Clampett sure got around, didn’t he? Thanks, folks, for bringing back so many good memories.
I was wondering about the Walt Disney rendition of Daniel Boone. I remember seeing it on Walt Disney as a kid, however, it seems that Fess Parkers rendition of Daniel Boone overshadowed it. I wonder if in deference to Fess Parker, Disney deep sixed it. I remember how much I enjoyed Disney’s version and have often wished I could see it once again. Does anybody know anything about it?
nice one well enjoyed